
Winx Club Dolls

Fairies playset with magical castle features light-up wings, fashion accessories, and collectible trading cards

Winx Club DollsThis magical castle playset brings the Winx Club Alfea College of Fairies to life with lights, sound, and magical features. The playset comes with five collectible, fully sculpted and articulated fairies. Ring the doorbell to the castle and watch the magnificent castle open. Each fairy comes with magical light-up wings. Lots of fun, fashionable accessories are also included like an extra outfit, shoes, bracelet for the girl and a trading card. Bloom, Stella, Tecna, Flora and Musa are all dressed in their fairy outfits.

Winx Club is an Italian animated fantasy/adventure series popular with young girls that centers on a group of magical fairy heroes.

With its glamorous fairies, detailed fantasy world, and action/adventure plots, Winx Club has become a globally popular animated series for young girls.