
Playmobil Advent Calendar

Diverse backgrounds and figures to celebrate the holiday season

Playmobil Advent CalendarThere may have once been a time when reference to the religious side of Christmas was taboo in the world of mainline toys, but not here. It is as if the makers of Playmobil have imagined a good use of their miniature characters. Also, the themes of the calendars span the different ways that people view Christmas, from secular to religious. The figures have a backdrop. The kits even play music.

The tradition of Advent calendars dates back to the 19th century and has its roots in the Christian faith, specifically in the observance of Advent, the four-week period leading up to Christmas. Early versions of Advent calendars were quite simple; families would mark off the days from December 1st to 24th with a simple chalk line or by lighting candles. The concept evolved over time, and the first printed Advent calendar is commonly attributed to Gerhard Lang in Germany, around the early 1900s. Lang's version was inspired by a calendar his mother had made for him, featuring 24 colored pictures attached to a piece of cardboard.

By the 1920s, the calendars began to include small doors that could be opened to reveal images, Bible verses, or treats. Post-World War II, the tradition gained global popularity, especially in Western countries. The calendars started featuring chocolates in the 1950s, a practice which remains popular to this day. Over time, Advent calendars have diversified to cater to a wider audience, now including small toys, cosmetics, and even beverages like tea or wine behind the little doors. They've grown to encompass various themes, from religious to popular culture, making them a versatile and much-anticipated tradition for both the young and old as they count down to Christmas.